Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Like most children, three years old, Rylie has taken interest in the differences of the male and female bodies. Hopefully you can see where I am going with this........so, here are a few humorous experiences. Enjoy.

Rylie, "Mom! help I can 't get off the toilet."
Brooke, "Why are you sitting on the toilet seat backwards?"
Rylie, " I wanted to pee in the toilet like Dad."

Several months ago;
Rylie, "Mom, what is that on Keiko(our dog)?"
Brooke, "What?"
Rylie frustrated,"That...where he pees?"
Brooke, "Oh, um that's his penis, you know where boys go potty."
Rylie, "Oh his peanut."

A few weeks later in the grocery store.
Rylie whispering, "mom, does he have a peanut?"
Brooke, "Yes, honey. All boys have peanuts?"
Rylie," What about him?"
The remainder of the shopping trip, as a boy is passed. Rylie pointing,"And him.And him. And him."

In the grocery store with Ryan after preschool.
Rylie singing with hand motions, " You put you right hand in. You put your right hand out. You put your right hand in and you shake it all about. You do the Hokey Poky(and so on)"
Rylie still singing, with hip motions, "You put your peanut in. You put your peanut out. You put your peanut in and you shake it all about!

A few weeks ago a cute cocker spaniel decided to follow my girls home from the park. I am a sucker for stray animals. Despite my emotions, I used some common sense and did not take on another responsibility. I posted a lost pet ad in our online community website and went back to work. Two hours later the girls went out the front door and guess who was waiting for them?
"Mom" asked Rylie, "can we call her Sammy?" "
"Sure hon, but Sammy needs to go back to her family." By dark, Sammy was still hanging around. So, after giving Sammy a good belly rub and discovering that she was a he, Sammy became Sam and I coaxed him into our back yard, gave him food and water and shut the door. The next morning, I hurriedly buckled all three girls in their car seats. I ran back in the house only to return to find that Sam had joined the girls in the back seat! I was in too big of a hurry, so the dog stayed. At my good friend, Erika's house, I jokingly mentioned that I had a stray dog in the car with me. Instantly, she happily offered to take him while we waited to see if his family replied to the lost and found ad. I thought the match was heaven sent for this little pup and my friends family. Yet, disappointingly for them, the vet found a chip implanted in him. The chip contained the family contact information and his real name.
"Guess what Rylie? Sam found his family!" trying to sound excited, I continued, "His real name is Peanut!"
I wish I had a picture of the puzzled, confused expression on her face as she wrinkled her nose and repeated, "Peanut?!?"
It took some serious, parenting back-pedaling to try to explain this one!


The Falkers said...

That was a great post! LOL!!!

Lelani said...

that is HILARIOUS!

Erin said...

Awesome!!! I have been laughing for 10 minutes!!!

Brock decided that "member" was the word he would like to use to describe his ahem "area"... Bailey keeps telling me that her member fell off and it is growing back... She wants to look like daddy... Good times, right?

I miss your cute kiddos!!! Miss you!!! Love ya!!

Erika said...

That is so Rylie. Love it.

Laurie said...

So, I was talking to Leslie on the phone this morning and she said I had to read your latest post...so FUNNY!! I can totally picture Ryan's reaction to the Hokey Pokey :)


Brooke! This is hilarious!!! Jeremy and I can totally see Rylie looking so confused about the dog's name!

We think about you guys all the time and were pretty wierded out a few weeks ago when we realized that Brielle and Zoey are 2.5 years old!!

Twins Squared said...

That is so funny! You know, when you have all girls they have no way of knowing! Mine saw the other boys at preschool splash day one year and we had to have the talk. Mackenzie always called them peanuts too! So funny!